Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Life Around Here

S really wanted to play at the park on Monday afternoon. I have a friend who is expecting and has 5 kids, 9 and under. The 9 year old could've cared less about the park, but the rest of them were happy to come with me. S's current favorite loves are slides and swings. She is finally willing to do them all by herself. 

climbing up to the slides

S got up from her nap super happy and wanted to do "big hugs". We had to get a picture of us...even if it is super grainy.

She is beginning to think the park is an everyday thing. She had a fit yesterday about going to the park, and it wasn't worth the tantrum to say no even though I should've been fixing dinner. There was a boy about 3 years older than her who was swinging next to her. She just giggled and giggled at how he was swinging...which caused him to laugh at her too. It was pretty cute.


At the top of the big slide. She kept saying "help you! help you!" Since I couldn't reach her hand she walked all the way back down.

Spontaneous family outing for fried ice cream. Scarlett just kept saying, "Like it! Like it!"

Thursday I got a phone call from my mom in tears that grandma had fallen and had really bad skin tears. I didn't want my mom to have to be there by herself and I was already in the car on errands so I told her I'd come be with her. When I got there they hadn't even let my mom back to be with her yet. Eventually my dad got there and played with S in the waiting area so I could go back with my mom and grandma. I didn't do great. Grandma looked awful and I was instantly queezy. She was purple all the way up her arms. She had 3 skin tears about the size of racket balls all the way up her arm. We were there for a few hours, grabbed some things for grandma from home, then it the road to be able to beat rush hour traffic. You have to love S's dress ups. Who knew errands would turn into a trip to see great-grandma.

playing with grandpa

S decided that she was not going to ride in her stroller on the way to go visit a friend on Friday. I just gave up and ditched it by the mailbox...grateful that we live in a safe neighborhood :)

Despite immunizing Scarlett, she came down with chicken pox. I keep thinking that she is about over it, but then I see a new dot. I'm praying we are over this soon because I am SO over being stuck here. I don't want to contaminate anyone else so it's not like I can even go to the grocery store. Bah!

We had a baby shower for my sister in law on Saturday. She is expecting mid April. It will be fun to have another cousin on Brett's side. The next closest to S on his side is 3 years older than her, but lives in Oregon. Her closest cousin on Brett's side in the state is ten years older than her...and she adores him!