Monday, August 31, 2015


Last Sunday we broke out Don't Break the Ice. We thought that it might be something she was ready for. She really enjoyed it and asked to play it for days. She would always laugh and laugh when the bear would fall down.

We have been doing pretty good at getting out for exercise together. She is pretty happy to still be pushed in the jogger, and I am grateful! It helps the exercising go a bit faster :) Ignore the messy hair...we head out as quickly as possible to avoid he heat!

We read a new book this week that had cupcakes in it. Scarlett insisted we make them too. It was pretty fun how happy cooking with mom makes her. I need to just start planning double time to get dinner ready then she could "help" with that too :)

During our morning exercise we often stop to see Nana and Papa. This morning Scarlett had a cousin that was also there visiting. She loves baby Porter. She laid down right next to him, talked to him, and sang him songs. She loves babies, and is a great helper with them as well. 

Saturday night Brett ran out to pick up take out for dinner for us. I went down to our cold storage to get drinks for us. One of the drinks knocked over a bottle of Worcestershire sauce...and by knocked over I should say shattered. One of the shards bounced up and nicked my shin. I was barefoot and holding S. It was quite the feet to make my way past that mess and to the door without touching the floor while still holding S. It seriously took us hours to clean up. 

We had dinner with Nana and Papa on Sunday evening. S has mastered the skill of balancing a spoon on your nose. All the adults tried with her, but only one of us was successful. It was fun watching Papa repeatedly try to do it with her!

Sunday, August 16, 2015


Grandma had a lot of construction at her school during the summer. She had to pack up at the end of last year and store all of her things in the school gym. We went to her school on Monday to help her with the unpacking and organizing process. S enjoyed a ride on the dolly while we were moving everything around.

We ended up helping grandma until a little after 3. It was hot and we were both sweaty so I stopped for cold drinks for both of us. She picked a cherry icee.

This kid still naps every day so working until 3 was really pushing it for her. Thankfully I saw that she was starting to fall asleep in the car (which NEVER happens) so I traded her for a snack cup before we had a icee mess all over the car.

I hadn't realized that the primary elections had already snuck up on us. S and I stopped to vote while I was out doing errands. She was excited that we both got matching stickers, and was super happy that they gave her a candy as well. 

By the middle of the week we had enough beans on our plants that we were able to can again. S was super helpful washing the beans then helping me snap them into bite sized pieces. We truly feel blessed by what we get out of the garden each year!

Brett came home from scouts Wednesday night and wanted to do something fun together. We decided to run to the store and get ice cream. S was so cute. She started dancing around the house saying, "I cited, I cited (excited)! She picked rainbow sherbet to bring home for our special treat.   

We had a few occasions that found us at the park this week. We went out for exercise 3 mornings and did at least 2 miles each morning. Stopping at Nana and Papa's house or the park on the way home is always a special treat.

We went to see Inside Out at the end of June. S loved it, and still talks about it regularly. She usually refers to it as the "funny show". A friend showed me these books, and I thought they would be great for S. I love how they talk about lots of different emotions and help kids understand what they are feeling. 

This week S has started wanting to help with the dishes. She'll bring her step over to the sink, turn  on the water, and start going at whatever is there. I was gone Saturday morning, but Brett told me that she washed everything and handed it to him to load. I love how she loves to be involved and help! 

We went to the county fair on Saturday with S's birth dad, Tyson. We haven't seen him since January, but it only took S a little while to warm up and start doing things with him. I love that we have an open adoption and that she can see her birth parents as often as will permit. 

petting the pigs

riding on Tyson's shoulders

an airplane ride

and train

big frozen lemonade sitting next to Tyson

It was really hot when we got to the fair and I wasn't so sure that I wanted to do it, but I'd say it was worth it. As Brett was putting her to bed Saturday night she said to him, "Dad, I see animals. I was a cat. I ride a plane. I ride a train." I think she made some good memories.

Sunday, August 9, 2015


Last Sunday night we decided to take a drive to the Mt. Timpanogos temple. It was so nice and quite just to be there on the temple grounds. S loved all of the pretty flowers. We took a few fun pictures with our family. S was really "helpful" with the selfie stick :)

We went over to visit Nana and Papa one day this week. Nana was in the middle of making bread, and was kind enough to let S be her helper. S loves "cooking" in the kitchen with whoever will let her help!

S and Nana

Monday night we had family night together then ran down to Thanksgiving Point. They have a fun little ice cream shop that we grabbed dessert. S was in heaven with her little cone :)

My sister invited us to go to breakfast, hike the Y (which I've never done and is incredibly steep), and go swimming after with her this week. S cried, "I go on mom's back!!" within the first 50 yards. It was over 1,100 feet climb in elevation in about 1.5 mile. There were times that I thought I wouldn't (or didn't care to) make it to the next switchback....

but we made it to the top...super sweaty. The front of her shirt was completely soaked. My sister said that my back looked the same. Good thing we headed to the pool afterward!

We spent several hours with grandma and cousins at the Museum of Natural Curiosity. I love that she can explore and do things there and always asks to go back. As we were driving up to the museum she started saying, "Zee-um! Zee-um! Mom, I go there please!?" I love how she loves to discover new things! Her shirt got super wet at the water table and she insisted on holding it up while she continued to play.

It is getting to be the time of year that we spend a lot of time on Saturdays harvesting and canning produce from the week. This week was no exception. We were able to can 7 quarts of pickles, 5 pints of green beans, and 3 pints of pickled beets. We got a fair amount of tomatoes out of the garden, but not enough to really can...hopefully they'll wait for a few others to join them.

water fight with dad

washing the beets in the bucket

climbing the ladder to pick nectarines off the tree

helping mom prep cucumbers

A few months ago for my birthday Brett got me a gift certificate to go to a murder mystery dinner, and we decided to redeem it this week. It was nice to have a "go out and do something" date together. There was some good comedy and we really enjoyed the needed us time :)

Sunday, August 2, 2015


S loves to put on her cape, and run around the house with her hand in the air (not sure where she got that from) saying "Super S!" Last Sunday night was the case as well. The outfit she chose made me smile. Candycorn hat and tights, Popsicle pajama top, and pink cape. She was SO proud of herself :) 

We had some really nice weather days this week. We took bike rides (at least Scarlett did and I followed her), played at the park several times, and had outings with friends. It was nice to not be super busy and to still have time to just play together :) Since her cousins have gone home (the ones who live in Oregon and are too far away to see often) she has asked about them and where they are. We keep their family picture on the fridge and she talks about all of them. It is nice that we got to be able to see them so much while they were here :)

morning bike ride

We finished up our laundry room Tuesday evening. Unfortunately before then S had had a rough nap time and all bedding had to be washed. We are so grateful for a kind neighbor being willing to help us out! You'll have to ignore the half painted tan wall. We're putting cabinets in and I didn't find it worth my time to pain the area that was going to be covered up :) Hopefully we'll get cabinets in in the near future!

new laundry area

playing at the park

We are really lucky to be so close to so many great things for kids. We went with a friend to the Dinosaur museum one day. S was digging for fossils in the sand here. She loves going to museums, but usually refers to them as "a-zee-ums"

Dinosaur museum

We had numerous days this week with numerous meltdowns. S definitely had her hard moments. Usually seeing pictures helps make her happy. We took a few of ourselves to brighten the mood...and it worked :)

For dinner and date night we made Paella. This was not a cheap dinner to make because of the saffron...which we didn't have on hand, but was delicious! We said it is definitely something we will make again. S couldn't wait as long as it took to make, so she kind of ate twice. She loved the shrimp. She picked it out of hers, and then out of mine as well. I love that she loves so many different kinds of food. It's fun to try new places with her!


eating mom's shrimp