Monday, August 31, 2015


Last Sunday we broke out Don't Break the Ice. We thought that it might be something she was ready for. She really enjoyed it and asked to play it for days. She would always laugh and laugh when the bear would fall down.

We have been doing pretty good at getting out for exercise together. She is pretty happy to still be pushed in the jogger, and I am grateful! It helps the exercising go a bit faster :) Ignore the messy hair...we head out as quickly as possible to avoid he heat!

We read a new book this week that had cupcakes in it. Scarlett insisted we make them too. It was pretty fun how happy cooking with mom makes her. I need to just start planning double time to get dinner ready then she could "help" with that too :)

During our morning exercise we often stop to see Nana and Papa. This morning Scarlett had a cousin that was also there visiting. She loves baby Porter. She laid down right next to him, talked to him, and sang him songs. She loves babies, and is a great helper with them as well. 

Saturday night Brett ran out to pick up take out for dinner for us. I went down to our cold storage to get drinks for us. One of the drinks knocked over a bottle of Worcestershire sauce...and by knocked over I should say shattered. One of the shards bounced up and nicked my shin. I was barefoot and holding S. It was quite the feet to make my way past that mess and to the door without touching the floor while still holding S. It seriously took us hours to clean up. 

We had dinner with Nana and Papa on Sunday evening. S has mastered the skill of balancing a spoon on your nose. All the adults tried with her, but only one of us was successful. It was fun watching Papa repeatedly try to do it with her!