Sunday, October 11, 2015


 Some days you have those days  that are just rotten. This day was one of those. It started out nice and early with a walk in very light rain with a friend (super enjoyable). I came home and made hot chocolate for the family. I was chilled. It was a stormy morning. I thought I'd be nice. Brett was grateful to take it with him to work. S through a royal fit even though there was already ice and cold milk in hers. Not a great beginning. I was determined that wasn't going to get me down though.

she obviously chilled out to enjoy it :)

She had asked for a fews days to make bread, so we started in. Note to world: 1. Don't try a new bread recipe while having a little helper. 2. Definitely don't try to double it.  Mid making bread we had already had two potty accidents plus meltdowns and it was like I no longer had a memory or brain. I was confident the bread (all 7 loaves) were ruined. 

a happy helper

We got them all through the oven. They are not pretty, but they all turned out. It's edible and not heavy. Next time will be better :)

ugly, lumpy bread

While the bread rose we made a Halloween craft. We read the poem about the 5 little pumpkins sitting on the gate. She has had a lot of fun with Halloween this month. 

A new day and a new start. It had to be better than the previous. We started by making mini muffins together in pumpkin liners. She loved helping with it all.  

Sometimes silly faces and books solve everything! We had taken a trip to the library and gotten a few new books to enjoy together :) 

Being fall we had to enjoy some pumpkin bars. We were doing dinner for Nana and Papa and some friends and thought this would be the perfect treat to take with :)

She sure loves here Papa. She helps push him around in his wheelchair. When we took dinner over I found her in his office with him looking at pictures. What a sweet kid!

This face. We get this face all the time! It's the first time we've been able to document it. She will look at us (or anyone else for that matter) with a sideways glance and big smile. I'm not sure where she got it from, but she finds it quite funny!

Playing blocks with dad are always one of her favorite things! I love this tower they build together. She was pretty proud of it :)