Sunday, July 27, 2014

Fun with Dad

We had another day with grandma and cousins this week. We all went to see the floats for the Days of 47 Parade. I forgot a stroller, but thankfully someone wasn't using half of my sister's double stroller...she saved the day! We enjoyed the floats and all the activities that went along with it. We took the kids to a park for lunch after. S loved playing with all of the cousins!

S's favorite float. Part of it blew bubbles too!

She loved the stars on this float :)

Playing with a ball at the park after.

S and I had a date with just the two of us. She loves Mexican food, so this was prefect! She ate lots and lots of salsa. She loves spicy. We didn't have any meltdowns, and she at so well :)

This kid LOVES baths. The only problem is that she treats them like the swimming pool now. She loves to try to float on her back, and blow bubbles in the water. She would live in the water if she could.

The picture I got when I asked her for her happy face :)

We don't let S watch TV, so going to the movie was an extra special treat. We saw Madagascar 3. She loved the animals, the singing, the dancing, and the music. She did really well. It was a great way to spend part of dad's day off with her. We also went swimming at the local pool another day. I love the long days of summer, and all the fun things we get to do together! This was truly a fantastic week. We got so much time with dad!!