Sunday, November 18, 2012

Kids are Funny

Preschool is my "day in and day out" activity. There have been lots of funny things said by them recently, and thought you might get a good laugh from them as well.

Last week we were learning the word do. I usually use the words we are learning in a sentence so they will know what we are really talking about. After giving them an example one boy said, "I know, Ms. Jenny, like (sang) 'I will go I will do the things the Lord commands.'" I told him that was exactly the right way to use that word.

Often kids sing songs as they work. On Friday, while working, I hear one little girl singing "We will never, ever, ever get back together." It made me laugh a little inside thinking of a five year old singing about never getting back together. I asked her if she liked that song to which she replied, "Yes, but my sister really does." Then I asked her if she knew who sang that song. She looked at me in thought and said, "No...wait. Taylor Swift, I think." I told her that she was right. I wonder if Taylor realizes that 5 year olds know who she is.

One little boy totally brightens my morning. I really enjoy his happiness and enthusiasm for life. He comes to preschool from about 5 homes away. Every morning as soon as he can see me he starts yelling, "Good morning, Ms. Jenny" until he can hear my response. One morning he had been pretending about being on a boat before preschool. That morning my greeting was "Ahoy, Ms. Jenny." I sure love him!